Children experience many of the same physical benefits from Yoga as adults. Yoga strengthens muscles, improves circulation, stimulates the abdominal organs and improves breathing quality. In addition, yoga increases flexibility, coordination, energy and bone-density.
Yoga can help kids develop self-awareness and improve self-esteem by allowing them to gain control over their bodies and minds at an early age. The practice of yoga is not about being right or wrong, or doing a pose better than someone else;it is about doing the best your body can do right now. This non-competitive atmosphere allows children to have fun in a relaxed environment. Yoga also teaches children self-discipline. During practice, children need to learn how to hold poses, breathe and gain control of their own bodies without having external adult control. This is very empowering and motivating to children.
Yoga and weight loss:
For adults or advanced practitioners fast paced yoga, power yoga or ashtanga yoga can generate enough heat in the body to burn calories and break a sweat. Extra calorie burning for beginners and children may not be feasible but the body still benefits from toning of the muscles, increase of flexibility and range of motion in the joints.
Yoga for Kids Guidelines:
1. Find the right place and teacher for your child. Talk with the instructor so you feel comfortable with their experience.
2. It is a good idea to find out how physically demanding the class is and if it is suitable for your child. If your child is a beginner make sure to sign up for a basic course.
3. Children less than 6 years old should hold each pose for a maximum time of about 1 minute.
4. Children 6 to 10 years old should hold each pose for a maximum time of about 1 1/2 minutes.
5. Use lots of positive reinforcement to help children learn and improve. Encourage doing the pose correctly, along with the breathing, but don't force perfection.
6. Practice in a room without mirrors and put the emphasis on internal experience rather than outer performance.
7. Allow frequent little breaks in between and during session which encourages meditation and being still. Be sure to take breaks after strenuous exercises or poses.
8. Always have an instructor demonstrate the posture or exercise, rather than trying to just explain it.
9. Remember, even kids need to warm-up before doing vigorous yoga.
10. Kids should not eat a full meal 1 hour prior to class; this may be distracting and may cause nausea.
11. Never compare your child to others; remember everyone is different.
12. Trying a beginner's yoga DVD at home before going to a class will help familiarize your child to the poses and breathing techniques.
13. If your child is resistant to trying yoga have him/her join you towards the end of your yoga practice. This is one of the best ways to inspire kids to start yoga.
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