How to Lose Weight

This is probably one question that we have all asked our friends and even ourselves more than once in our lives. For certain, there are a number of slimming pills and other medical procedures for belly fat reduction, but most people prefer to keep it simple and natural.While crash dieting may seem to be appealing to most people as the fastest way to lose fat, especially the youth and young professionals, it isn't exactly healthy to make your body feel like a yo-yo. Here are some quick weight loss tips on how to easily lose weight, without the need for pills:

1. Take out all condiments - yes, you read right. Don't use ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard - anything. They add extra calories which are a handful, mind you.

2. Drink more tea and more water - sodas are packed with sugar, the same as most juices. Stick with the basic water and tea to flush out and clean your stomach. It will also give you the feeling of being full, thus not making you crave for more food.

3. Use the stairs - you'll burn extra calories by going up instead of riding the elevator or escalator.

4. Walk more - so what if you have to walk an extra 3 blocks? That's simple exercise to burn those extra calories.

5. Eat more frequently - help your metabolism to speed up by eating more throughout the day. Instead of one big meal, small meals & snacks are more ideal. And stand up for about 30 minutes after eating for faster digestion.

6. Carry a basket - the next time you go shopping, carry your groceries - don't use the trolley. This will further burn your calories all throughout the day.

7. Sweat - don't be afraid to just sit at home, do the chores and sweat.Obviously, these tips require self-discipline if you really want to experience slimming weight loss. But with the right attitude and drive, you'll surely be losing weight and feeling better about yourself.


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